Kurotsu Urani

Age: 18
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark brown

Urani is currently running a small, formerly abandoned church that he and his brother restored. He and Camui live in the back rooms of the church, and he keeps a small greenhouse and library on the second floor, including an extensive collection of some very unusual books of ancient religions and myths. Although he is a priest, no one seems quite sure what denomination he belongs to, and no one seems bothered by his vagueness. He is aware of the presence of Celestials, but prefers to stay out of their affairs when possible, and has advised others to do the same. Generally he comes across as quiet, polite, and peaceful; there are, however, exceptions.


Camui: his twin brother, Camui, has his own room in the church, but is more often found at Maiku's apartment. Urani is rather disturbed by Camui's fanaticism (love?) towards Maiku, but generally puts up with it.

Maiku: this angel is the reason Urani joined Christianity. However, getting to know him better has slightly tarnished Urani's impression of the man. He prefers to avoid Maiku when possible, but will nevertheless do just about anything Maiku asks of him.

Reiko: a childhood friend, one that he's still very close to. Urani has had a crush on Reiko for nearly as long as he's known her, but has yet to tell her and probably never will.

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