Gaburieru Ryo

Age: 17
Hair: Purple (dyed, naturally blonde)
Eyes: Blue

The main character of this comic, Ryo has spent most of his life feeling confused and bitter. He hates 'normal' people, and at the same time hates himself for being different. He already felt like a freak just from the normal childhood teasing (usually due to his naturally blond hair and blue eyes); growing up to be able to bend iron bars didn't help. Then the dreams started, a series of dreams set in a ruined version of Tokyo, where everyone he knows is dead, and the only sign of life are the angels that appear in front of a church. As if the dreams weren't disturbing enough by themselves, he's started running into those angels in real life. At least, he thinks he has.


Mother: although they live in the same appartment, they rarely see each other these days; she works two jobs as a secretary and a waitress, and Ryo spends most of his time out of the house.

Father: an American businessman who abandoned his family when Ryo was four. Ryo knows very little about him, but blames him for just about any problems his family has.

Reiko: very popular among the school punks and outcasts, she's the one and only person Ryo's ever considered a friend, and the only one he's told about the dreams.

Maiku: although they've never spoken to each other, he looks exactly like the first angel in Ryo's dreams.

Akira: the second angel from Ryo's dreams; seeing him on the street gave Ryo a vision of Akira with wings, slit pupils, and a black aura, which then caused him to pass out.

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