Yuushiro Maiku

Age: 19
Hair: Blonde (dyed)
Eyes: Grey

The leader-by-default of the Eastern Celestials, Maiku keeps to himself and likes it that way. He's lived on his own since a very young age, and currently lives by himself in a rather large apartment. Since his return to Japan he's also managed to become leader of the local punks, much to his surprise and occasional annoyance. He hires himself out as a bouncer and bodyguard, and has many connections in both human and Celestial circles. It's sometimes hard to remember that he's still just 19.


Family: although he hasn't seen them in years, Maiku keeps informed about his family--his father (working in a bank in Tokyo), mother (a retired writer for an American magazine), and the younger brother and sister that he's never met.

Asurae: his second-in-command among the Celestials. She frequently uses his apartment as an office.

Camui: his second-in-command among the school punks, Camui is also one of the very few humans to know Maiku as an angel. Camui basically worships him; Maiku doesn't seem to notice.

Akira: Maiku has a great deal of history with the leader of the Western Celestials, most of which he'd prefer to forget. At the moment, he despises Akira and considers his presence in Japan a threat.

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